Thursday, August 20, 2009

Regulation, governance and social housing: moving from self-assessment compliance to continuous improvement

A couple of flights across Europe offer the opportunity for catch-up. I used some time to read Governance: A discussion paper published last month by the Tenant Services Authority. The paper asks how the TSA should regulate governance on a cross-domain basis for all social housing providers – i.e. “across whole entities for not-for-profit registered providers and across the housing activities of for-profit providers”.

The discussion paper clearly sets out the issues and recognises the diversity of providers in a potentially mixed social housing economy. However, I am not convinced it faces up to the challenge of the kind of rigorous but focused regulation needed when addressing not-for-profit and for-profit providers. (I would argue that the financial turbulence buffeting social housing recently requires regulation targeted at promoting tenants interests and protecting public investment – which is not the same as more prescriptive or interventionist regulation.)

The discussion paper describes the current regulatory arrangements and notes that the self assessment compliance statement is “a key and significant part of our regulatory engagement”. The first question asked by the discussion paper is:

What elements of the existing approach to the regulation of governance should the TSA carry forward?

I would suggest that the self assessment compliance statement should be rejected or , at least, radically re-cast. I think it encourages a tick-box compliance mentality rather than fostering self-reflection. The TSA should ask where they see weaknesses and areas for action rather than requesting a “compliance statement”.

A document based on identifying scope for improvement should then be validated against an organisation’s financial and operational performance – internal and external audit reports, audited financial performance, reported operational performance indicators, etc.

The TSA says:

We are considering applying a range of assessment methodologies including:

- self-assessment by registered providers’ boards

- feedback/assessment from residents

- and stakeholders

- benchmarking and peer review

- independent validation/audit of a particular function/s

- accreditation

- the TSA’s assessment of certain key indicators of good governance

If that is focused and rigorous validation of performance about ensuring that governance is delivering for customers and protecting the public interest, I am in favour. But social housing providers do not need a paper chase.

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