Thursday, March 06, 2008

E-openness: New Freedom of Information website from mySociety

There is new website from mySociety (the people who brought you They Work For You and Directionlessgov). The What Do They Know site focuses on Freedom of Information. It helps you to easily and simply file request and share information on these requests and their results. The site is still in development but it is working. Have a look and maybe use it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The "people" Bob refers to - Tom Steinberg at al - do a great job in gingering up the public sector to produce better web services of more value to citizens. Directionlessgov is an excellent example in pointing up the limitations of Directgov, the Government flagship portal for citizen services. Like the critics of Wikipedia, Government can be rather precious about the accuracy, authenticity and ownership of information about publc services on the web. This is reminiscent of when NHS Dirct Online was launched a few years back, with content that was clearly inferior in both breadth and depth to other Health websites, including that most trusted brand, The NHS pleaded lack of resources (which was true when compared with the BBC) but soldiered on nonetheless. Why?? Roll on, mash-ups.