What has that number got to do with schools? In one month the
press reported:
Finance staff giving away bank details in response to a phishing email with a subsequent loss of £1m
Much detected (and obviously undetected) fraud does not get
into the papers. The 2012/13 Department for Education accounts mention a £2m
“irregularity” at one academy chain – a Google suggests that the case never got
into the press.
The NFA cautioned against its estimates being used for
identifying trends. But is fraud getting worse? Quite possibly: while staff
will generally be honest and public-spirited, after years of pay freezes and 1%
rises, a minority may be demoralised and feel squeezed; many organisations are struggling to cope
with financial pressures so some managers may be tempted to bend rules; greater
autonomy for schools creates opportunities but not all are positive.
Are schools doomed to be scammed? In fact, schools can
protect themselves through simple steps. But the first step is to recognise
that fraud is an issue.
Later this month I am talking at EdExec Live about how schools can protect themselves. Tickets are still available.