There might be a few green shoots of recovery for UK plc but
public services are set for austerity up to at least 2018. The college sector
has felt the pressure of being outside the funding ring-fence protecting pre-16
education. In the middle of this decade, many colleges will take another set of
blows with National Insurance increasing and Formula Protection funding ending
in 2016. Like buses coming in threes, the college sector has another
prospective blow – a new accounting Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP)
for Further and Higher Education which radically (and adversely) changes the way
that capital grants are treated.
The draft SORP has not yet been issued but we know what it
will propose for college accounts from 2015/16 onwards. The
SORP consultation website already outlines the changes on capital grants:
The revenue recognition rules will result in most capital
grants being credited to the Income Statement, rather than to deferred capital
grants on the balance sheet. Deferred capital grants recorded on balance
sheets, and their subsequent release to the I&E Account, will no longer
This change will result in more volatile surpluses and
Future Income Statements will no longer benefit from the
credit arising from the release of deferred capital grants (currently c£xm per
year), which will reduce on-going reported surpluses.
Whereas now capital grants are released as income gradually
over the life of the buildings or other assets which they funded to offset the
depreciation cost of the assets, under the SORP the capital grant is recognised
as income in one go with the depreciation hitting the bottom line year after
year until the asset is fully depreciated. The resulting volatility will be
seen in ridiculously large surpluses coming along when a college gets a capital
grant but then many years of surpluses being much lower (or deficits much
higher) than otherwise.
Sometimes the size and/or frequency of those deficits will mean
that colleges breach the financial performance requirements of the covenants on
their loan agreements. Since the credit crunch it can be very costly to upset
bankers – a covenant breach means that a loan is (theoretically) repayable
immediately and, in practical terms, the interest rate can be cranked up.
What will this mean in practical terms? How volatile will
the proposed SORP requirements make bottom lines? It’s hard to say exactly without
a crystal ball. However, we can look at the most recently available college
accounts for some idea of what this means.
In 2011/12 the operating surplus for the whole of the
college sector was £141 million – the value of the capital grant releases was
£143 million. So these capital grant releases are significant for the further
education and sixth form colleges taken as a whole. But what about individual
In total there were 74 colleges with operating surpluses had
capital grant releases larger than these surpluses. In most of these cases the
SORP treatment would have led to an operating surplus. A similar number of
colleges already in deficit would have had a much operating deficits.
One London college had an operating deficit of £193k in 2011/12
but the value of its capital grant releases was £2.6 million. Another college
in the south east had a surplus of £53k in 2011/12 after benefiting from capital
grant releases of £2.3 million.
Colleges will have different loan covenants to comply with.
But the SORP changes are a nasty shock to even colleges with relatively permissive
covenants dating from before the credit crunch.
This amounts to a ticking bomb under the college sector
unless the drafters of the SORP can be persuaded to change their minds by the
consultation period ending in October.