Friday, March 28, 2008
Some thoughts on audit, governance and regulation in colleges
Presumably the “provider assurance” function of the LSC will be split two or more ways. This will be sad as this will be disruptive and risk a fall-out of auditors who do know colleges - even if they can be frustrating at times. Any loss of experience and expertise may result in a nit-picking defensive mentality or a soft-touch approach (as opposed to an effective light-touch). Possibly colleges will get both.
The re-arrangement of agencies might, on a brighter note, lead to a re-think of audit for colleges. (But I doubt it.) I would query whether the smallest colleges – particularly the smaller sixth form colleges – need their own internal audit service. These colleges often have a total income of a few million and limited non-core activities. They are quite different from Newcastle College with its £150 million income.
The smaller colleges are little different from the schools that they compete with for staff and students. They are arguably less exposed to risk than small housing associations who are not obliged to have their own internal audit.
As always there is a need for a cost-benefit analysis.
I am not downplaying the importance of internal control. I certainly think that all colleges should have their own audit committee – which should assess and report to governing bodies how assured they can be that internal control is robust. Whether they get this assurance from internal audit, external audit, healthchecks by consultants, or whatever, should be a matter for them.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Auditors as unsung heroes and the role of audit committees
To be precise, Duncan Campbell-Smith was only really talking about the Audit Commission who audit local government and the NHS (and inspect social landlords). But I’ll claim some credit as I temped in the mid-90s for District Audit!
It is nice for auditors and accountants to get some good press. Their image problems are such that there are even calls for jihad against the profession.
On a serious note, I do think that when – in the aftermath of organisational failure in the private, public or even third sector - the cry goes up of “where were the auditors”, we should also ask about the audit committee who should have been thinking about risk and internal control. Auditors need audit committees to keep them on their toes. In order to do that effectively, audit committees have to know what their own purpose is. Too often they don’t.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The end for Carter & Carter - FE college comes to the rescue
As I’ve discussed here before, Carter & Carter started off with big ambitions – it promised to overtake Cambridge University in size. Instead it was plagued by at least bad luck.
This isn’t the first take over of a private training provider by a college but it is in a league of its own. (Not all such acquisitions have been very businesslike – I know of one which ended in tears after the college involved did not undertake due diligence.)
The take-over is not so good news for promoting contestability in the FE sector. Carter & Carter could have been in the market for rescuing and turning-around failing FE colleges – its a strange twist of fate that it was the other way round.
Monday, March 17, 2008
LSC RIP - Chronicle of a death foretold
When it was set-up in 2000, the LSC was built very much on the basis of the local Training and Enterprise Councils. If it had been built around a regionalised and reformed Further Education Funding Council (its predecessor), its early years may have been happier.
While the writing was on the wall for some time, now colleges will now be preparing again for the unknown. Let’s hope the government manages these changes effectively without destabilising and fragmenting the learning and skills landscape.
Policies all round – the Daily Telegraph on the “regulatory thicket”
Moore writes:
A "policy", you must understand, is not a simple thing any more. It is not just a statement like: "We aim to provide residential care for the elderly" or "We try to cure children with spinal injuries" (or whatever). Nor is it just a statement of specific rules such as "No alcohol may be consumed on the premises" or "Pupils need not wear school uniform in the sixth form".
No, a policy has to be a lengthy document on anything that the Government thinks important. It must set out aims, procedures, targets, monitoring, assessment, evaluation and so on. Depending slightly on what sort of organisation you are, you must have policies on health and safety, access, disability, recruitment, transparency, energy efficiency, environmental health, etc, etc.
I share some of this frustration. (I’ve blogged on “over-policying” before.) However, I do not share Moore’s ideological diagnosis:
The "speech community" of the post-1960s Left has gained almost complete power and influence over the administration of government. Its concepts, its way of putting things, now have the force of law. It is producing the slow death of free institutions in this country.
Neverthless, the proliferation of policies like a triffid in public services is a threat. Public and third sector organisations need to adopt a sensible approach – streamlining things where possible by combining some policies and relegating some to “procedures” outside the remit of board governance. Sometimes they need to have confidence and stand up to regulators when the so-called “good practice” of having a particular policy will get in the way of effectiveness. Above all there is a need to focus on improving outcomes rather than being in thrall to process. (Too many action plans can be just as much a distraction as too many policies.)
I would also suggest that organisations look at the Policy Governance model of the American organisation guru John Carver which focuses on policies as central to the role of boards in governing organisations. In this model:
Policies are written statements that are designed to provide that framework of values and perspectives and thus guide further decisions. They set up rules, defining what is to be accomplished and what should not occur. The policies are embodiments of the values and perspectives of the greater authority that the board stands in to represent. If policies direct all further decisions, then the best place for leadership is in the development of policy.
It sounds like common sense but many organisations struggle with this and end up micro-managing (often encouraged and/or coerced by the regulatory pressures discussed by Moore).
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Personalisation and Co-operation - mutual solutions in social care
I am sure that I will blog some more later on some of the broader issues but I found Mick Taylor’s contribution particularly interesting and inspiring. He has been working with a new co-operative society, Caring Support, set-up to pool individual budgets of a group of social care users. This gave them collective and individual control over the services that they received as well as providing for better terms and conditions for the staff.
I do hope that the co-operative movement will promote and incumbent such mutual solutions to the challenges of an ageing society and the needs of the most vulnerable users of public services. The government appears interested in this area with the recent announcement of more money for the Social Enterprise Investment Fund.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Getting the goat - Conservative plans on homelessness
Friday, March 07, 2008
Surveying UK civil society
The Almanac's executive summary notes that civil society organisations account for £109 billion of income in 2005/6. That’s a lot of activity. (I would query the inclusion of “independent schools” as part of civil society but the omission of Further Education Colleges which give so many young and not-so-young people a second chance as well as opportunities to develop skills for citizenship and employability.)
The Almanac addresses many important issues for the third sector which I will no doubt blog about as I read my way through the book.
Looking forward to a period of financial uncertainty the Almanac comments: “It remains to be seen how this will affect civil society, but the difficulties at Northern Rock plc highlight the dangers.”
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Audit committees with added value - the NAO's "top tips"
The National Audit Office has launched a new edition of its Audit Committee Handbook. While it is primarily intended for audit committees of government organisations, other audit committee members may find it useful.
Alongside the Audit Committee Handbook there is a self-assessment checklist and a guide to “adding value”. The latter includes some practices that many audit committees would consider to be fairly routine or standard. However, it does suggest some practices that are less common but would certainly add value such as:
- calling appropriate business heads to meetings to explain how they are delivering on their agreed actions or on risks for which they are responsible; and
- improving communication between audit committee chairs and auditors with meetings outside of the formal committee meetings.
Supporting student governors - learning lessons from Scotland?
On the sparqs website there is a useful Supporting College Student Governors Handbook. (We’ll have to forgive whoever forgot to proof read the web page about it. The odd typo creeps onto this blog so I won’t cast the first stone.)
The Supporting College Student Governors Handbook sets out key information for student governors including how they can engage with their fellow students.
In the Handbook I did find some confusing wording on the difficult issue of to represent or not to represent. It notes: “Governors do not represent particular groups or interests, and as such they cannot be mandated.” Yet elsewhere: “Although you gain your position on the board as a student representative, remember that all of your decisions as a board and as an individual member will impact on other stakeholders too.” I would suggest that student governors are not student representatives but are there to give a student perspective – not least in a providing a reality check in what can be an isolated governance bubble. (I would suggest that the same issues arise for resident members on housing association and ALMO boards – or indeed any board members who are customers.)
I would also query the relevance of the examples of conflicts of interest in the Handbook. They are not likely to encounter the examples given. How many student governors are likely to also be a company director in the construction industry? Examples relating to, say, grants to student unions may have been more instructive when student governors may also be active on student union executives.
Despite my misgivings over some elements of the Handbook, I would like to see something in England for student governors. It would be timely given the profile now given to Learner Voice.
E-openness: New Freedom of Information website from mySociety
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Commitment to reduce public sector bureaucracy
It will be interesting to see if Raul Castro can deliver on his commitment and breathe new life into Cuba’s centrally planned economy. Closer to home the jury is still out on Gordon Brown’s own commitment to regulatory reform. There does appear to be continuing threat to the independence of foundation hospitals.